Psychologické determinanty vnímané demokratické legitimity (DELTA)

Hlavním cílem projektu je popsat psychologické faktory, které ovlivňují naše chápání demokracie a demokratického rozhodování. Projekt probíhá v letech 2018-2020 a je financován Grantovou agenturou ČR (č. GA18-19883S).

O projektu Výsledky pro veřejnost Akademické výstupy Členové týmu Kontakt

O projektu

O demokracii se v posledních letech hovoří v celé řadě souvislostí. Často se skloňuje pojem krize demokracie, uvažuje se nad potřebností a riziky přímé demokracie či se diskutuje o "demokratičnosti" a "nedemokratičnosti" různých rozhodovacích praktik. Cílem naší studie je porozumět, jakým způsobem běžní lidé rozumějí tomu, co to vlastně znamená demokracie, za jak legitimní považují různé demokratické způsoby rozhodování a jak se jejich vnímání demokracie a legitimity mění napříč různými situacemi a kontexty. Výzkum využívá unikátní kombinaci více metod, mimo jiné hloubkové skupinové rozhovory, experiment v laboratorních i terénních podmínkách či dotazníkové šetření.

Akademické výstupy

Šerek, J., & Lomičová, L. (2020). Adolescents’ transitions between different views on democracy: Examining individual-level moderators. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology.

Abstract: This study aims to identify individual patterns of adolescents' views on democracy, adolescents' transitions between the patterns over time, and individual-level predictors of these transitions. Two waves of longitudinal survey data from 768 Czech high school students (T1 mean age 15.97) were analyzed using latent transition analysis. Results suggested three basic patterns of adolescents' views on democracy: majority-oriented (disregarding minority rights and interests), conventional (having narrowed understanding of civil liberties), and liberal (supporting both minority rights and civil liberties). Of these, the liberal view pattern was the least stable over time, and its stability was linked to adolescents' institutional trust and civic participation. Specifically, adolescents who were less trusting of institutions were more likely to adopt the majority-oriented (vs. liberal) view, while less civically active adolescents were more likely to switch to the conventional view. Authoritarianism was linked to adolescents' initial views, but it did not predict change over time.

Scott, Z., Šmahelová, M., & Macek, P. (2019). Our democracy : Czech adolescents talk about the meaning of democracy and attitudes toward immigrants. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 19, 104-132.

Abstract: The objective of the present study was to explore in depth how adolescents understand democracy and how they apply their ideas of democracy to attitudes toward immigrants. In order to research these topics, we conducted five focus groups at middle and high schools (9th and 10th grade) with a total number of 32 respondents. Utilizing thematic analysis, we identified the main themes related to definitions of democracy, such as emphasis on individual freedom, and democracy as rule by the people. Young people also discussed possible conflicts between democratic principles (e.g., majority rule vs. minority voice). Inclination toward majoritarian model was mostly present in adolescents’ attitudes toward immigrants, which were characterized mostly by endorsement of assimilation. We discuss these results in the light of the conflicting principles upon which democracy is built, such as equality versus freedom or majority rule versus minority rights.


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