The Psychology Research Institute (INPSY) is a specialized research institute at the Faculty of Social Studies at Masaryk University. Our research focus stems from a long-lasting interest in the topics of developmental, social and educational psychology, psychology of personality and psychology in the media. Strong methodological and statistical background allows us to perform quality basic and applied research and develop new psychodiagnostic methods.

We cooperate with the Department of Psychology at the FSS, Masaryk University. We participate in the teaching of students and at the same time, create conditions and opportunities for their involvement in existing research projects.

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Research Teams


Anna Ševčíková and Gabriela Gore-Gorszewska presented their findings at an international conference in Vienna

Our members Anna Ševčíková and Gabriela Gore-Gorszewska attended the conference of The European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM) in Vienna. The ESSM aims to promote sexual health and the highest standards of evidence-based clinical care in sexual medicine through education, research and health care formulation.


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